
Maintain Your Marriage/Prevent Divorce

By Tiffany Williams-Jallow, Relationships360° Founder Hey, I just completed the debut episode of Relationshps360° on Blog Talk Radio. Please check it out and let me know what you think by posting your comments on the show’s page or right here on this blog. I hope this information is helpful in saving your marriage. Be sure to tune in to the ...

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Married With Kids

Children no doubt are a blessing and can truly enrich a marriage; but there are times when some doting parents go overboard with the amount of attention they give to their children while neglecting their spouse. There are also times in a marriage where tending to an extremely needy partner can lead to severe alienation from the kids. Besides these personal tendencies to emotionally shower or starve children and mates are external factors such as work, school, major illness and hobbies that make it difficult for a married couple to balance their relationship with one another and their kids. On the latest episode of Relationships360, Licensed Professional Counselor Marci Payne and I discussed strategies for maintaining harmony in a marriage with kids.

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